PNG National Press Club spotlights Trafficking in Persons

Salvation Army speaks on human trafficking

The Salvation Army, with support from The Asia Foundation, was featured on the MCPNG National Press Club event for the month of July.

Hosted at APEC Haus, Major Velena Iga of the Salvation Army spoke on the organisation's work in relation to trafficking in persons, and all it has done to counter this.

The MCPNG National Press Club was simulcast on NBC TV, Radio, and NBC Online and Social Media.

Read about our big month of July!

July was a big month for the council. We held our first Annual General Meeting since 2017! Find out more with the July Edition of the MCPNG Update. Our Monthly E-Newsletter.

The MCPNG UPDATE June Edition is out!

Introducing the June Edition of the MCPNG Update. Our Monthly E-Newsletter. Keeping you informed of what Council is doing.

Council hosts successful media networking event

The Media Council of Papua New Guinea successfully hosted its first Media Networking Event for 2023 on June 15th at the Stanley Hotel.

Attended by representatives from Member Mainstream Media Organizations, Media Sector Partners and Media Stakeholders, the event featured the Council's Print Media Members.

The Council Executive Management Team showcased the work of the Council, and its plans leading up to the next AGM, and the reconstitution of the industry  body.

Women In Media movement gaining momentum

The MCPNG's Women In Media Initiative has continued to gain momentum, with Project Lead and Secretary to the Media Council, Ms. Belinda Kora, travelling with Media Development Intiative and Women Journalist representatives to Madang, and then meeting with women media workers in Port Moresby.

PNG National Press Club event returns with IRC's Sam Koim 'Talking Tax'

The Media Council's signature public information and discussion event, the PNG National Press Club, returned on Wednesday, May 24th at the Lamana Hotel in Port Moresby.

The return of this prestigous event featured as its Guest Speaker, Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) Commissioner General Sam Koim, who spoke on the work of the IRC, the challenges they face in collecting much-needed national tax revenue, and how this can be improved.

United Nations Papua New Guinea Resident Coordinator Richard Howard
United Nations Papua New Guinea Resident Coordinator Richard Howard
MCPNG President Neville Choi speaking to media representatives, partners and stakeholders on Media Freedom Day
MCPNG President Neville Choi speaking to media representatives, partners and stakeholders on Media Freedom Day
The Media Freedom Day Breakfast was attended by Media Representatives and stakeholders who support the work of media in PNG
The Media Freedom Day Breakfast was attended by Media Representatives and stakeholders who support the work of media in PNG
PNG Media Representatives at the breakfast event
PNG Media Representatives at the breakfast event

'When transparency is nurtured, justice succeeds'

Papua New Guinea's United Nations Resident Coordinator, Richard Howard, says a free and independent media is the cornerstone of democracy, and that journalists focus is to publicise the truth by reporting without fear or favour in an open environment.

Mr. Howard was speaking as the host of a Breakfast event organised by the Media Council of Papua New Guinea and and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation International Development (ABCID) to commemorate World Media Freedom Day on May 3rd.

"When transparency is nurtured, justice succeeds. Journalists have a responsibility to deliver the facts needed for the public to make informed decisions on the type of society they want for their country, Mr. Howard said, while reminding all who attended, that around the world, media freedoms are being eroded by stealth.

Mr. Howard said World Press Freedom Day is also a time to reflect and pay tribute to the 430 journalists around the world who were silenced by death or imprisonment in 2022.

He said, journalists who embrace a Code of Ethics are more likely to fulfill their obligations to serve the nation as honest brokers for the people.

"Media outlets are to be commended for the extraordinary volume of accurate news they publish over the course of a year. It is even more important in the digital age because people must be able to trust the media to counter misinformation often dressed up as fact on social media platforms." 

Media Council of PNG President, Neville Choi addressed the gathering, while highlighting the work being done to strengthen and Council's role as the recognized voice of PNG Media.

TIPNG Chairman and CCAC Co-Chair, Peter Aitsi addressing the first National Meeting
TIPNG Chairman and CCAC Co-Chair, Peter Aitsi addressing the first National Meeting

CCAC gives resounding endorsement for MCPNG and TIPNG to continue as Co-Chairs

The Media Council of PNG (MCPNG), and Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) have received a resounding endorsement from members of the Community Coalition Against Corruption (CCAC) to continue as the group's Co-Chairs as it refocuses on combatting and spotlighting major corruption issues in the country.

The unanimous endorsement was given at the first National Meeting of the CCAC, held in Lae on April 24th. 

International World Press Freedom Day 2022 - 'Journalism Under Digital Siege'

Inaugural PNG Media Freedom Day Breakfast - May 3rd, 2022

Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby

Lady Winifred Kamit answering a question on newsroom independence vs corporate responsibility (Pic: CAD43 Ltd)
Lady Winifred Kamit answering a question on newsroom independence vs corporate responsibility (Pic: CAD43 Ltd)

'Newsrooms must be free from management and corporate influence'- Kamit

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

THERE is a clear line of separation between the newsroom as an independent space, and corporate management and the board of directors of the organization it reports for.

This was explained clearly by prominent woman lawyer, Lady Winifred Kamit at the inaugural PNG Media Freedom Day Breakfast held at the Gateway Hotel to commemorate World Press Freedom Day on Tuesday, May 3rd.

"Transparency International PNG, is very much committed to seeing a professional, capable and independent media industry." - TIPNG Chairman Peter Aitsi (Pic: TIPNG)
"Transparency International PNG, is very much committed to seeing a professional, capable and independent media industry." - TIPNG Chairman Peter Aitsi (Pic: TIPNG)
Media Freedom Day Panel - MCPNG President Neville Choi, Lady Winifred Kamit, Fr. Jan Czuba and Scott Waide (Pic: AMatbob)
Media Freedom Day Panel - MCPNG President Neville Choi, Lady Winifred Kamit, Fr. Jan Czuba and Scott Waide (Pic: AMatbob)

Defending the 'Fourth Estate' in PNG, an ongoing challenge

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

DEFENDING the 'Fourth Estate' as a crucial aspect of a progressive and thriving democracy continues to be an ongoing challenge for media in Papua New Guinea, a perspective repeatedly highlighted in events recognizing World Press Freedom Day on Tuesday, May 3rd.

This year's theme: 'Journalism Under Digital Siege', was echoed throughout several commemorative events staged to mark the day.

At the inaugural Media Freedom Day Breakfast held at Gateway Hotel in Port Moresby, members of the media fraternity, past and present, gathered to celebrate media freedom, remember fallen comrades, and to take stock of where the PNG Media is today.

Organized by a motivated group of Graduates of Divine Word University's Journalism School under the name CAD43 Limited, the breakfast featured as guest speakers, Transparency International PNG Chairman, Peter Aitsi, and Veteren Journalist and Founder and CEO of Lekmak, Scott Waide, and a discussion panel featuring Media Council of PNG President, Neville Choi, Prominent Woman Lawyer Lady Winifred Kamit, and former DWU President and Secretary for the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Fr. Jan Czuba.

Journalists in the workshop at Holiday Inn, Port Moresby (Pic: BKora)
Journalists in the workshop at Holiday Inn, Port Moresby (Pic: BKora)

Journalists update skills on anti-corruption & election reporting

Saturday, April 30th, 2022

THREE days out from World Press Freedom Day, and just under two weeks from the issuing of writs for the 2022 National General Elections, twenty (20) journalists comprising provincial-based media correspondents, sat for a full day of training, facilitated by the Media Council of Papua New Guinea, in partnership with UNDP-PNG, and funded by the European Union.

Welcome to the Media Council of 

Papua New Guinea

The Council strives to maintain professional standards in the media industry, deal with and respond to complaints on conduct, make representations on behalf of the industry, and publish reports on its work. 

"The council was formed in 1994 to: 

  • Address moves by the then government to introduce legislation to regulate the media; 
  • Create awareness amongst the public on the importance of a free press; 
  • Encourage training;  and 
  • Establish a Complaints Tribunal" 

(Anna Solomon, Word Publishing General Manager and Group Editor in Chief, 1999)


Media Development Initiative (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade), United Nations & European Union Delegation, National Broadcasting Corporation, Lamana Hotel Ltd, National Press Club of Australia, Australian Press Council, PNG Investment Promotion Authority, Office of Censorship, Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) and the Timor-Leste Press Council.