Media Council of PNG - 2017 Annual General Meeting
Post-Courier, Wantok Niuspepa, Sunday Chronicle, Peoples Noticeboard, National Broadcasting Corp., Kalang FM100, EMTV, TVWAN (Digicel), Click TV, PNGFM, Lalokau FM, FM Central, Radio Maria, PNG IPA, Office of Censorship, DPM Media Unit, Correctional Service
July 12, 2017
Dear Full Member | Associate Member | New Member,
This is to advise you of the upcoming annual general meeting of the members of the Media Council of Papua New Guinea (MCPNG). The details of this meeting are as follows:
Date: Thursday July 20th 2017
Time: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Place: Lamana Hotel conference room
Attached are:
- the agenda for this meeting
- the minutes of the last annual general meeting
- nomination forms for new executive office bearers
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
- find out about the council's operations and finances
- ask questions about the operations and finances of the council
- speak about any items on the agenda
- vote on any resolutions proposed.
At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:
- accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
- accept the annual report of the president
- accept the secretary's report
- accept the treasurer's report
- accept the annual financial statements
- elect new executive office bearers
The following special resolution/s will be proposed at the annual general meeting:
- A list of recommendations is put to the Council Full Membership and Associate Membership for their approval
- The newly elected Media Council of PNG Executive comprising the President/Vice President/Treasurer/Secretary take on and act on the recommendations of their predecessors
One organisation is requested to provide 1x nominee to attend the AGM on your behalf.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions through the Media Council of PNG email address or my email
We look forward to seeing you at the Lamana Hotel conference room next Thursday July 20th at 11.00 am.
Ms Frieda Kana
Secretary - Media Council of PNG Executive